Hope Radliff | Client Services Director

As part of the Petra team, my role entails helping facilitate a thriving relationship between you and Petra.  In getting to know our clients personally, I have the privilege of seeing how each person’s life is unique but also how it is so similar to the rest of us.  Those observations help Petra offer a more resourceful and proactive service for our clients.  Therefore, with every account transfer, account application, or preparing for the next client visit, I strive to work closely with you toward the end result of ensuring everything is in place so that the other members of the Petra team can serve you more effectively.  I’m here to learn how you prefer things, whether it’s by phone or email, electronic or hard copy.  Any time you wish to contact me, I’m available by phone or email at hope@petrafinancial.com

On weekends, my husband and I love to hike; therefore, I’m always looking for a new trail to explore or a new mountain to tackle.  When we are not hiking, my husband and I also love to camp, whether it’s in our RV or backpacking. There are so many forested areas in beautiful Colorado we have yet to experience and we continue to enjoy spectacular views from some of the best scenic highways.